Man Who Doesn’t Believe In Holocaust Somehow Believes In Love
Still refusing to accept the official story of the Holocaust ever since he watched a concerning Youtube video, Peter Harrison nonetheless admitted that he believed in true romantic love.
“Some people seem to think I’m some sort of schizophrenic conspiracy theorist because of this, but I don’t see what’s so crazy about believing love is the most meaningful thing in life and that I see myself staying with my wife until I die”, said the romantic historical revisionist, who doesn’t believe Jews were being exterminated during World War II and actually thinks they had pretty good living conditions in the internment camps.
“I don’t care if what I say is extremely shocking to the politically correct crowd, I should be allowed to freely express my opinion. People should grow up and learn how to have their beliefs shaken a little. Love is real, always has been, and always will be.”
After going on a diatribe about the New World Order, Harrison mentioned his strong conviction that everything happens for a reason and that friendships last forever.