God Has To Call Black Hole Guy Again
After taking care of some routine tasks around the Universe, God suddenly had to call the black hole guy again after accidentally messing up with space-time.
“I don’t know what happened, I was just messing around, and I created another one of these damn black holes”, said the creator of all things, who was simply taking a break when he noticed light getting sucked in.
“This keeps happening these days. I mean I got the guy on speed dial at this point. Maybe I’m just getting a little less sharp. After almost 14 billion years, I’m sure it’s normal. I’ve been doing this for a long, long time. Trust me, one day you’ll realize you can’t even make a supernova without reading the manual. And that really sucks.”
Sources reported that after getting the problem fixed, God was outraged when the black hole guy charged him fifteen thousand asteroids and five brown dwarves.