Ethical Carnivore Only Eats Animals With No Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Insisting on not wanting to contribute to agricultural rape culture, Stuart Preston refuses to benefit from any animal that may have been guilty of sexual harassment.
“I don’t want to get my calories from a chicken that rose through the ranks by asking for sexual favors to animals that were hierarchically below him”, said Preston, who credits his strong ethical foundations to reading Immanuel Kant and feminist tweets.
“I’m physically sick over the idea that so many factory-farmed animals are climbing to the top of their careers by getting away with sexual assault, so how much of a hypocrite would I be to turn a blind eye just so I can get my daily macronutrients? It’s one thing to artificially inseminate the animals, lock them up in cages and slaughter them, but I will not be a part of it if the factory farming industry lets their perverted cattle get away with their sex crimes scot-free while they’re still alive.”
Preston suggested that the only way to change the toxic environment would be to educate the animals and teach them that “mooh means mooh.”