Dog Peeing On Turd Accomplishing Something Greater Than Himself
Struck by a sudden sense of overwhelming responsibility, Baxter, a seven-year-old Jack Russel, set out to accomplish an obligation greater than himself by pissing on a three-day-old turd.
Realizing his entire life had been leading to this critical moment, Baxter was seen looking intensely at a turd and carefully examining it with his snout, before proceeding to urinate on it as if the fate of the Universe rested in his paws. Never before did Baxter, a humble rescue dog from an unremarkable home, believe that he could have possibly been destined to such a daunting and yet exhilarating mission.
Witnesses reported seeing Baxter feeling cautious, yet determined to fulfill his duty which was assigned to him by a powerful force no living being can truly fathom, to which he knew he needed to prove allegiance.
After completing what may have been the most impressive feat by any dog in history, it was reported that Baxter allowed himself some relaxation time by randomly copulating with a neighbor’s unprepared wiener-dog.